PAC Page


Find the updated Lake Hill Elementary School Parent Advisory Council Constitution and Bylaws:

Lake Hill PAC Bylaw and Constitution 2023

One of the things that makes Lake Hill Elementary great is our community commitment to enriching the education of our children through parent/family volunteers.

At Lake Hill, we have a variety of ways families can help out: community events and fundraising opportunities to name a couple, both during and out of school hours. This allows all families the ability to support the community.

Whether you can donate an hour or a day, all help is welcome. Please indicate which events you would be interested in helping out with this year. We are open to growing and trying new things so if there’s something that you would be interested in but it isn’t listed here please reach out to



The Lake Hill Parent Advisory Council’s roles include being a conduit between parents and administration; putting on events to bring families together; and raising funds for things like field trips, musical performances and classroom technology.

Every parent in the school is part of the council. We encourage you to attend the monthly meetings to hear about what’s happening around the school, share your ideas and talents, and chat with the principal.  Can’t make a PAC meeting? No problem PAC meeting minutes are available below or through email at:

Here is a snapshot of the PAC events that are often held during the school year:

Back to School BBQ

Scarecrow Stomp

Community Craft Fair

Family Movie Night

Parent Education Sessions

Online Silent Auction

Holiday Gift Shop


In 2022/23 funds raised went towards:


School booster seats

Emergency supplies

Additional classroom funds

Field trips


Science Ventures

Music department performance


Ongoing PAC duties:


Monthly PAC meetings

BC Fruit and Vegetable program

Fun Lunch


These activities are all made possible by parent volunteers. Contact if you are interested in volunteering for PAC events which bring in much needed funds to support our kids during the school. Year round fundraising is also available; check out PAC Fundraising.

For brief updates and reminders about PAC activities or meeting times, please join our Facebook page, “Lake Hill PAC Insider” or look for regular email updates from the PAC.

If you have questions or concerns for the PAC, please email

2022-23 Executive:

Presidents – Cara Jackson and Tammy McColl

Vice President – Monica Hacking

Treasurer – Christine Thompson

Secretary – Natalie Teal


Facebook: Lakehill PAC Insider

Click on links below to access specific minutes from past meetings:

Lake Hill PAC Meeting June 2024

Lake Hill PAC AGM Minutes May 2024

Lake Hill PAC Meeting April 2024

Lake Hill PAC Meeting February 2024

Lake Hill PAC Meeting January 2024

Lake Hill PAC Meeting November 2023

Lake Hill PAC Minutes October 2023

Lake Hill PAC Minutes Sept 2023

Lake Hill Minutes MAY 2023

Lake Hill PAC Minutes APR 2023

Lake Hill PAC Minutes FEB 2023

Lake Hill PAC Minutes JAN 2023 – Ammended

Lake_Hill_PAC_Special_Dec 2022_Minutes

Lake_Hill_PAC_Minutes_Nov 2022 (1)

LakeHill_PAC_Minutes_Oct 2022 (1)

_LakeHill_PAC_Minutes_Sept 2022

Minutes LakeHill PAC June 2022


PAC NOTES APRIL 7th 2022.docx

Minutes LakeHill PAC Feb 2022

Lake Hill Elementary Minutes Feb 10 2022


Minutes LakeHill_PAC_Nov_2021

Minutes LakeHill_PAC_Oct_2021

Minutes LakeHill_PAC_Sept 16 2021

Lake Hill PAC Meeting Minutes June 9 2021.docx

Lake Hill PAC Special Playground Meeting Minutes July 7 2021.docx

LakeHill Elementary PAC Meeting Minutes May 12 2021.docx (1)

Lake Hill Elementary PAC Meeting Minutes April 2021

Lakehill Elementary PAC Meeting Minutes March 3 2021